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Why a kite?

Kites epitomize the essence of summer, but their significance transcends mere seasonal enjoyment. Beyond being a simple pastime, kites symbolize freedom and courage. In our project, the kite becomes more than just a flying object; it becomes a representation of our identity. To fly a kite is to express ourselves freely, encouraging others to do the same. Let's soar high, embracing our true selves, and inspire others to embrace their uniqueness without constraints.

All About Kite

Kites have a rich and diverse history, tracing back thousands of years across various cultures. Historians believe that kites were first invented in China around 2,800 years ago, initially used for signaling, measuring distances, and later in military applications. Over time, kites evolved into recreational objects, spreading to neighboring countries like Japan and Korea. In the Middle Ages, kites became popular across Europe, where they were used for scientific experiments and even as a tool for human flight attempts. By the 18th century, kites made their way to the Americas, brought by explorers and traders. Today, kites are enjoyed worldwide for leisure, sport, and artistic expression, embodying the spirit of freedom and creativity.

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